The story of The Magnettes begins in an arctic uproar. Founder band members (and self-proclaimed ‘non formative witches’) Rebecka Digervall and Sanna Kalla met at school aged just 6 in the sleepy and remote town of Pajala. Perhaps it was growing up in this tiny place, a huge ten hours from Stockholm and that is dark most of the year that fired the imagination and ambitions of the girls. The winters were harsh and words weren't wasted, and they realized that the ultimate rebellion was to sing - openly and honestly - about love, youth and heartbreak in the last stages of adolescence. The Magnettes were born: and music was never quite the same again. The addition of producer Tomas Backlund Thunestrom completed the band, and together they stormed across the globe with their finely crafted unique blend of electro-pop and riot grrrl punk, or “Twentyfirst century f**k pop from Pajala” as they like to call it.
New single 'Shakes (Falling in Love)' follows the ‘out with your best friends on a Saturday night’ dance floor smash 'Kimnkanye' and is an unapologetic roaring anthem about passionate love. As the band explains:”It’s about gushing love and heaving lungs, kisses in the rain and all that fun stuff we don’t really have time for anymore. Or probably just about how we really wanna be (/make out with) Stevie Nicks. It’s our farewell letter to a much volatile, nervous, and romantic way of life. Musically, we wanted it to sound as if Bratmobile and Baby Spice got together and played on top of ’Dancing In The Dark’.”
The single follows the bands recent UK headline and festival tour dates, including a stint at The Alternative Escape: a huge UK music industry event in held annually in Brighton.