We all remember Space Invaders, Mario, and other old but gold games. As long as you remember the game, you’re likely going to remember the soundtrack as well. A good soundtrack can make a game that much more memorable.
Today, we’ve moved along from the old catchy MiDi sounds to something a bit more complex. As the gaming world evolves, the music in games follows. Music is a fantastic way to set the atmosphere and stimulate the player. If done right, it can add to the experience, making it that much more memorable.
Games such as Board Kings are renowned for their tunes, as they add to the overall experience. While the tunes in Board Kings are relatively tame, inviting, and playful – they can take a whole different route.
Strategy games or intricate RPGs can have fantastic, elaborate, movielike soundtracks that work to set the stage for the player and further the storyline to a brand new medium. Good writing does the heavy lifting, fun game mechanics make the game addicting, but it’s the music that makes it stick.
What Does it do for the Players?
Depending on the type of the game and the music in question, the effect it could have on players can vary wildly. Games such as Poker Heat are all about traditional gaming, and the music in the background speaks miles about their gameplay.
As the gameplay differs, the music is going to vary also. Depending on the type of game, level, or mechanic, the music works to set the stage and augment the general atmosphere, making the game that much more enjoyable.
Music is also a fantastic tool for setting up tension, as we’ve seen so in an abundance of horror or mystery games. Apart from being memorable, a good soundtrack could enhance the emotions in a given game – thus serving as a necessary part of the story.
But in a simple sense, in more simple games, music is there to accompany the player and make the game fun, distinguishable, and atmospheric to an extent.
What Kind of Music Is Suitable?
That depends on the type of game. Online slots won’t likely share a soundtrack with a triple-A shooter that has been in development for years, and that’s completely fine. Depending on the game, its purpose, and its general atmosphere – the music that works will differ. You can read more about it here.
Games such as World of Warcraft explore huge universes and require an equally grandiose soundtrack to accompany them, while simple classic games like cards only need something to further a mood.
Horror games need something that induces fear or uncertainty, which is a staunch difference compared to racing games, which will aim for something more adrenaline-packed.
When it comes to video game music, it doesn’t have to fall in a strict genre. Some games make use of heavy metal – others create their music, while others use pop for their soundtrack – it all boils down to the game itself.
The soundtrack can be the turning point for a game. The best representation of this notion is the Grand Theft Auto series, which has nothing to do with music, but everything to do with the soundtrack.
This game’s soundtrack is so masterfully crafted and memorable – people are still talking about it.
With videogames evolving to a new plane of existence and technology allowing them to be more elaborate and intricate by the year – it’s relatively hard to say what the future might hold for this fantastic feature of modern gaming.
In Conclusion
Music is king, and it makes the games that we play every day that much more enjoyable. You can expect to have a good time with the game through a good soundtrack and even remember it long after you’re done playing.
It plays an essential role in setting the stage for any game meaning, furthering the gameplay to a brand new level, or even simply working as an enjoyable pass time such as in GTA. Whatever the case may be, music and video games have been a killer combo for years –and they don’t show any sign of stopping anytime soon.