The Martin S1 Soprano Ukulele
Your choice of playing ukulele means you want the best experience. The Martin S1 soprano ukulele is a professional instrument with a high-quality sound. This ukulele is made from the string woods of the mahogany tree. It is skilfully hand-made and this gives a good physical impression of the instrument. It is highly durable and therefore you need not worry about buying another ukulele in the next few years. Based on the expert advice at Acoustic Realm, this ukulele is made from the best materials. The saddle of this ukulele is made from bones while the tuners are made of Grovel Nickel making it ideal for beginners. It is also highly durable. The ukulele also has a padded gig bag designed to protect the uke from breaking and any other likely damage.
The Makala Dolphin Soprano Ukulele
Now that you are just getting started you probably need an instrument that is of high quality but also affordable. Search no more! This ukulele is made of plastic and thus it is easy for you to throw it into your bag and carry it. This ukulele has a great tone and playability. It has replaceable strings and you can always replace the strings with your preferred length and make of strings.
Interestingly this ukulele comes in many colors like pearl, blue, purples, yellow, or metallic and thus you can choose one that has your favourite colour. Likewise, you can go for the Makala Soprano versions of the Ukulele that have many accessories including instructional pamphlets so that you can get started with it as soon as you receive it with your hands. With such ukuleles, you will not have to bother about extras. All you can do is focus on learning them.
Now that you have a selection of the best ukuleles for beginners, read on to understand how you can learn how to play your favourite ukulele faster;
Learn To Tune Your Ukulele Before You Play It
There’s nothing as boring as playing the ukulele that is out of tune. It may frustrate you and you might think of giving up on your first day of learning how to play the instrument. You must learn how to tune your ukulele accordingly so that you can easily introduce different songs and adjust the tune accordingly. Once you can change tunes, you can play your instrument faster and you can enjoy your newly chosen hobby or profession.
A well-tuned ukulele has the notes you strum match the song you are listening to or playing. To help you get started with tuning, choose an electronic tuner although you can also learn some tuning tricks online. For instance, you can purchase the Snark SN2 tuner as it can accurately detect the unique tunings of every string and it is also highly durable.
Maintain A Good Posture
The best way to start playing your ukulele is to hold it accordingly. Once you are seated in a comfortable position it can be easy for you to learn and master those expert tricks. A poor posture can also make you strain your muscles and joints. For instance, if you prefer sitting down as you play ukulele, ensure you sit upright and do not arch your back as your back can strain and soon you may start experiencing spinal pains. Always keep your back straight and align your spine to its natural position. You can also hold your ukulele slightly below your chest as this is the most perfect position for it. It can be easy for you to hold the body of the ukulele using your forearm. Remember that the hand which holds down the chords on your fretboard should support the position of your ukulele.