We have been blessed with many art forms over the ages, from painting and sculpting to theatre and cinema. But music has always had a special place for many people, probably because of how therapeutic it can be. Listening to your favourite tunes when you are feeling down and stressed has been scientifically proven to help improve your mood. What is even better than listening to music is making and producing it, but unfortunately, that is a very difficult industry to get into.
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Wind instruments are more complex than you may think. For ages, they have been used to warn people, entertain people, and comfort them. The mechanical aspect of most wind musical instruments is outstanding. You just have to appreciate the engineering and sophistication exhibited by some of the world’s renowned musical instruments.
You probably already know this, but metalheads are the happiest music listeners on the planet, whether a fan of Metallica, Babymetal or Russkaja. Tours of the festivals across the globe have introduced Sweden’s finest strains of melodic death metal, the brilliant Ghost Bath from China, Austria’s Kontrust and Indonesia’s Burgerkill and Jasad. All of which suggests a festival as a great, though obvious, anniversary celebration idea. Here are three more.
January 2025