Music is a tool that is able to control emotion as well as helping to establish the general tone of the story in question. When you watch a movie, you will soon see that the music sets the theme, and it’s the same with video games. The only difference is that you are controlling the actions of the character. In more recent years, more so within the horror genre, it’s safe to say that music has become absolutely essential to the mood and experience of the game. People are now able to create atmospheric music that has a terrifying eeriness to it. It’s able to keep you on the edge of your seat, and on top of that, games such as Dead Space have utilised this in such a way that it has been dissected by famous composers. Casino sites such as GGPoker have also utilised music in a lot of their online games. When you look at casino games, you will usually see that the music is very fun and upbeat. This tends to reflect the general theming of the game in a way that makes them more entertaining to play.
Taking a Deeper Look
Atmospheric soundtracks are in no way limited to the genre of horror. There are a lot of first-person shooter games out there, and they have adopted a driving soundtrack that enhances the experience. If you look at the Doom game, for example, you will see that it is a historic franchise. That being said, it did lose its way in recent times. The reboot, however, has gone back to its roots with constant movements. You also have a lot of chaos around you as you gear up to face bosses. Doom is way more than just heavy metal, it’s got a lot of intricacy to it, and the soundtrack even throws back to the original one. This helps to give the game a born-again feel, and when the chaos stops, you will soon notice that a more atmospheric sound is generated so that a greater contrast can be added to the game. This is incredible, to say the least, and without this kind of music, the game would not be as famous as it is today.
Controlling Airwaves
Grand Theft Auto may well be considered as being one of the greatest video games out there. Some say that the soundtrack is just as good as well, even though it has been overlooked quite a lot. Grand Theft Auto believes in putting you in control as much as possible. You also have the option of being able to play a huge range of radio stations as you drive through the city. This is a method that helps you to create the soundtrack to your own game, as you would if you were in a real-life scenario. Saints Row 2 also gives you the option of setting the radio station in your car, and they have also given you the chance to create your own mixtape if you want as well. This is fantastic, to say the least, and it just goes to show how far things have come in recent years.