Hi we are all great thank you .. hope you are too. Although Tudor hails from Transylvania , we all live around Manchester in the wonderful soul full North of England.
What was the reason you chose to call yourselves The Cuza?
We chose the name because of Tudor’s Romanian heritage … Alexander Cuza being an inspirational historical figure and a founding father of what is now modern Romania. We simply stole his surname as it’s a great word and made it seem like some kind of society or secret club. We love it .. it just seems to suit us perfectly.
You are Manchester based - Tell us about the current music scene there and what you like about it
What more can we say than Manchester is Music … the scene as always is vibrant and real and full of hope and love.
Your latest single is 'A Life Full Of Colour' - what inspired it?
A close friend chose to leave us way too early … a decision we could only imagine he made in a moment where he could no longer see the colours of Life .. the beauty around us ..
the reason to continue .. truly heart-breaking. But rather than write about the dreadful loss and heartbreak … the song is instead a reminder to anybody that chooses to listen that the colours are always there .. try never to lose sight of them.
You have your debut album coming out later in the year, what can fans expect to hear? Are there any major overriding themes?
We are very excited by the album as it represents us beautifully as a band. Although we clearly have a style .. a certain delivery … no two tracks are the same , and every track tells its own story. We love stories.
I'm told your music is influenced by eclectic genres, bands and artists - but if you had to choose just one to collaborate with who would it be and why?
Tough tough question that none of us would answer the same way. But If Nothing but Thieves, Biffy Clyro, Tame Impala & Parcels formed a supergroup … we’d be in.
Which leads us nicely onto 'Fantasy Dinner Party': Who past and present, alive or not., would you invite to a dinner party at your house and why?
Bowie … Bowie … Bowie … oh … and Bowie.
Do you have any tour plans for 2023?
Our label Sixteentimes and our wonderful manager Andrina are currently setting up a tour & festivals for later in 2023 to support the album release in the summer ..… watch this space.
What is the band's vision for the next 2 to 3 years?
We already have a massive batch of new music .. enough for 2 albums believe it or not .. so we just want to enjoy creating , recording gigging and enjoying life whilst the juices are flowing … and boy are they flowing.
GET THE SINGLE “A LIFE FULL OF COLOUR”ON SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/6jE2rxArJzBUzNkssd546X?si=4b606cb870834a2f
ON APPLE MUSIC https://music.apple.com/gb/album/a-life-full-of-colour/1660592190?i=1660592200