As one of the progenitors of rock and roll in the person of Elvis Presley and the new first legendary rock band "The Beatles", a new musical era began.
"Swinging" London was the centre of fashion, music and new desires. Hundreds of subcultures honouring the rock invasion gathered in the British capital.
The British Invasion began with the Liverpool band The Beatles. Youthful "Beatlemans" defied counting. Budding self-taught musicians goofed around performing similar hits to Elvis Presley. The maturation of the band began with the recognition of each member's talents. Harrison's love of indie music, Lennon's heavy meaningful lyrics, McCartney's sophistication and producer George Martin's discretion made the band iconic.
Top of the charts, platinum albums and worldwide acclaim went to Queen. Four talented guys, two of whom were considered geniuses, made adjustments even in the time period of songs for radio channels. The rock opera, which lasted almost 6 minutes, was heard from all music studios, but Freddie insisted on a full playback. Successful touring, fame in Europe and Asia, 77 singles and more than 35 video albums. A success that has lasted forever.
A British academic of composers as well as authors, Elton John enjoyed light rock.
Rock representatives The Rolling Stones and unique vocalist Mick Jagger.
Songwriter and singer of the English band The Who - Roger Harry Daltrey.
The author of the most famous contemporary songs, poet and winner of 16 Grammy Awards and the first winner of three nominations at the same time, the inimitable Adele.
Ozzy Osbourne, Robbie Williams, Sting, Ed Sheeran and the most successful pop singer George Michael. There are countless musicians of British culture in this small looking but culturally advanced country.
The influence of film and music on the public
The action-packed nature of cinema and its influence on audiences is straightforward and well-founded.
Musical playback in the film industry is considered an emotional development of events. One of the forms of dialogue, music, gives the right perception of understatement.
Understanding what is happening in the picture in musical play can express emotions of fear and joy, courage and cowardice, absurdity and reasonableness.
The direct impact of sound during films is clear to everyone hearing and watching. The accompanying title song leaves the perception of the film and is stored in the memory. The question of the influence of music during film viewing has occupied scientists as far back as the 1940s. It was further proved that music not only leaves a trace in the memory of what we have seen, but also affects the blood pressure while watching different genres. The good thing is that during sessions, there is always a student willing to skip classes for the sake of scientific discovery. In the resting state, volunteers after watching film music were sent for MRI studies, which allowed to prove the direct connection between cinema and music.
Modern films are equipped with all kinds of musical special effects. At times, even non-expressive musical additions leave an impression. In order to maximise the experience of the musical effect, the following films are recommended for viewing:
1. Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
The story of the creation of the band of 2 brilliant and 2 talented young people and all the wildly exhilarating proposed compositions in the film.
2. Rock Wave
The illicit radio wave DJs bring house and music enjoyment to all radio listeners.
3. Single Street
A spontaneously assembled high school rock band brings a different order to the school.
4. Mud
The pinnacle of the Mötley Crüe band's creativity is reached with sweat and blood to the rhythm and bass of their own renditions.
5. The Beatles
A film and TV series showing the character and maturation of the band.
At this point in time, it is impossible to experience a film without music, to walk along with the actors and to immerse oneself in the experience without the right musical motifs.
And it is only worth closing your eyes and hearing the notes, as the storyline starts to form in your head without even looking at the picture.
Just as the film Titanic cannot be imagined without the soundtrack of Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On", it is impossible to imagine England without rock and roll.